Setting up a sample environment in azure cloud platform based on the shared cloud architecture
The article is as an requirement of course SENG 41283 : Distributed and Cloud Computing (
You can find ARM templates for every azure resource that I have created:
All the resources that I have created, can find under this ARM template:
Lets get started with following example,

In this example we gonna use following components in Azure.
- Resources group
- Active Directory
- App Services
- Storage Services
- Azure Function
- Azure Front Door
- Application Insights
- Azure Database for MySQL server
- Azure Cache for Redis
- Storage account
- Static Web App
Lets setup and create above components.
Resource group
A resource group is a container that holds related resources for an Azure solution. The resource group can include all the resources for the solution, or only those resources that you want to manage as a group.
So lets create resource group,(I am gonna name it as webAssignment)

Create following components under this resource group.
Active Directory
Azure Active Directory is Microsoft’s multi-tenant, cloud-based directory and identity management service. For an organization, Azure AD helps employees sign up to multiple services and access them anywhere over the cloud with a single set of login credentials.

App Services
Service-01(Web app)
Github repository:
You can find source code for service 01 in this repository.

After creating service 01 get the public profile and upload it to git repository secret.

Then create a action on that repository. Then change .yml file values.

Then according to example we have to create MySQL DB

Service-03(Web app)
Github repository:
You can find source code for service 03 in this repository.

After creating service 03 get the public profile and upload it to git repository secret.

Then create a action on that repository. Then change .yml file values.

Then according to example we have to create Azure Cache

Service-02(Function app)

Then setting up functions.

Monitoring & Reporting

Monitoring & Reporting
Create Application Insights(I have name it as Monitor) and add it to every services.

Front End
Create Static Web App(I have named it as fronend)

Find source code for front end
Git Repository:

Front Door
Create front door for masking the services urls.

Update routing rules from there.
Then create Front Door WAF policy. (I have named it as policies)

You can add custom rules from there.